none underline overline line-through blink →text-decoration-lineのページを参照 text-decoration-styleプロパティの値 solid double dotted dashed wavy →text-decoration-styleのページを参照 text-decoration-colorプロパティの値 16進法やカラーネームなどで色を指定 →text-decoration-colorのページを参照

Syntax: text-decoration: none; Example 1: This example sets the text-decoration property to none. I nstead of just turning off the underline on all links you could be more specific in defining the way you want your links to work. private void SetLinearGradientUnderline() { // Create an underline text decoration. The text-decoration-style property sets the style of the text decoration (like solid, wavy, dotted, dashed, double). The text-decoration property of CSS allows to decorate the text according to requirement. Example of an underline styled with a linear gradient brush and dashed pen. This can be handy when you need to remove an underline from an anchor. It’s a pretty basic underline, but it’s a good size and it skips descenders too. In its most basic form, text-decoration is widely supported. Well, it turns out Medium had to go through a lot of trouble to get that style on the web. How to Remove the Underline from a Single Hyperlink There are two ways to remove the underline formatting from a single hyperlink: Use the Underlinebutton on the Formattingtoolbar. The hyperlink will no longer be underlined. Definitely nicer than most browsers’ default.

A thin, black underline with space around descenders—via Marcin Wichary, Crafting link underlines on Medium. I wouldn't recommend using the underline on anything apart from links, underline is generally accepted as something that is clickable.

By setting the text-decoration to none to remove the underline from anchor tag. The A or anchor tag underlines text by default. Tip: Also look at the text-decoration property, which is a short-hand property for text-decoration-line, text-decoration-style, and text-decoration-color. To do this: Select the hyperlink where you want to remove the underline. If it isn't clickable don't underline it. Set the text-decoration value to none and all formatting is removed. .oldfangled a:hover { text-decoration: none } .newfangled a:hover { text-decoration: underline overline line-through wavy #f99 } Browser support. // Use a linear gradient pen for the underline text decoration. Just as you can add and style an underline using the CSS text-decoration property you can remove one as well. In the following code example, an underline text decoration is created by using a linear gradient brush for the dashed pen. On the Formattingtoolbar, click the Underlinebutton.

T he A:hover tells the browser that when the mouse is over a link the underline should appear. I n the example below underlining is turned off for all links. CSS basics can be picked up at w3schools The underline can be easily remove by using text-decoration property. How to Remove an Underline from a Hyperlink in CSS.

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