My question is can you please guarantee to us today that you will [...] resist the pressure that we are under from many, especially German, trade unions to further water down the Services Directive, which was the subject of such a nice compromise between the Council, the … 2.could you please意思:你可以吗。 二、用法不同. Can you please ~ ? Could you 〜? Will you please ~ ? Use your arms and legs it won’t ruin you How can you say he will haunt you? No other types of requests are of interest. 上のリストで5つの表現を挙げましたが、実際の会話では使い分けで迷う時間はないので、僕がオススメしているのは Could you 〜? Will you please ~ ? It is distinctive because unlike most singles the presumptive 'A' side, "Can You Please Crawl Out Your Window?" Subscribe to channels you love, share with friends, and watch on any device. Would you please ~ ? Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary.

Sir, can you please move to the side and let these other customers through? Can you please ~ ? What does if you please expression mean? Would you please ~ ? You can go back to him any time you want to Why does he look so righteous while your face is so changed Are you frightened of the box you keep him in Sorry lovescience2020, that’s the way I see it. *過去形のためより丁寧. 一、 4102 意思不同 1.can you意思:你 1653 能吗.

has a higher serial number (ZSP 112316) than the 'B' side, "Highway 61 Revisited" (ZSP 112315). Could you open the window? The latter asks you to do this, not that. Whereas "Please could you..." is straightforward, conventional, polite and ubiquitous. It only takes a minute to sign up. と言う人も多くいます。 Can you please crawl out your window?

と言う人も多くいます。 Definition of if you please in the Idioms Dictionary. my index function is correct but I'm still getting an error Split from this thread. Can you please Help Mike Durnell….There is a double amputee who needs a very necessary and specially fitted manual wheelchair to function in his daily and difficult life. This is the American Columbia release. The sentences can’t be compared because they have two different meanings.

The original question is: > When should you use "can you please" versus "could you please"? 6.

Respond means provide an answer or address a concern, either in person or in writing. It is nice to say please but please does not always mean someone is being polite. English Language & Usage Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for linguists, etymologists, and serious English language enthusiasts. Could You Please synonyms. My question is specifically about "please can/could you" as opposed to "could you please" - whether one is more polite and/or common than the other. を使ったりしています。(どちらか というと Can you ~ ? Explanation of the English phrase "can you please (do something)": This is a polite and slightly formal way to ask someone to do something when talking to a stranger. Could you close the window for me, please? However, this difference is very, very slight. Can you close the door, please? Could you please close the window? というように使います。 また、文末に「for me(私のために)」を付けて、 Can you open the door for me? please可放前面,讓指令明確. Please open your book.(=Open your book, please.)(請打開書。) Please submit your report before or by Monday.(請在周一前交報告。) 【生活中】 please表達接受幫助. Could you close the window for me, please? 5. can you和 2113 could you please 的区 别为:意思 不同 、用 5261 法不同、使用场合不同 。. Can you open the window? The wheels on a wheelchair are his legs. が多いです) この3パターンは 頼み方として 微妙に ニュアンス/使う場面 は やっぱり違ったりするんでしょうね?

if you please phrase. "Can you please do this" emphasizes the request, while "Can you do this please" emphasizes the task: the former asks you to do something, but what that something is is not that important. Will you / Can youはどっちでも良く、ちょっと丁寧にpleaseを付けたりして、という具合です。 この記事を読んで違いがスッキリと理解できました、何より日本語訳のあて方が非常にわかりやすかったで … Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Assist simply means help. The オススメは Could you 〜 please? Since you said please in his form of a quesion the person would would tell you no if they could not. Mike has many special on-going medical needs but presently this wheelchair is essential for his mobility and his life. Can you close the door, please? If they could they would not respond with an answer but simply touch their nose.Could you please is more polite or proper for this form of question. I am not asking about polite questions in general, so please no mission creep here! We can do all the analyzing we want, and we could even be right, but when you go to the individual, you can’t know, and often, they can’t accurately report what is going on in their own head.

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