The root cause of the issue is with any ICMPv6 or DHCPv6 Solicitation packet and when dhcp snooping is configured on the switch.

Cisco ASA Software is affected by this vulnerability only if the DHCPv6 relay feature is configured. With this new IP version, IPv6, beside different features, some configuration differencies are also coming.

Login to comment on this post. interface GigabitEthernet1/1 ipv6 address autoconfig default trust dhcp ipv6 address dhcp default ipv6 enable ipv6 nd managed-config-flag ipv6 nd other-config-flag ipv6 dhcp …

At this point, no IPV6 address will be configured in the firewall. Related Articles.

Follow Following Unfollow. It builds a database table of IPv6 neighbors connected to the device created from information sources such as NDP snooping or DHCPv6. A DHCP server is configured with a pool of available IP addresses and assigns one of them to the DHCP client. In this lesson, we will focus on these IPv6 Configuration Steps, IPv6 Configuration on Cisco devices.We will use the below Packet Tracer topology for our IPv6 Config. To determine whether the DHCPv6 relay feature is configured, use the show running-config ipv6 dhcprelay command and verify that the feature is enabled on at least one interface. CCNA 2 v6.0 Study Material – Chapter 8: DHCP. 10. Sep 8, 2017 Last updated on: Sep 8, ... A Cisco router running the Cisco IOS software can be configured to act as a DHCPv4 server. 1)The first step is configuring IPV6 on the outside interface. IPv6 – Basic configuration –address assignment SLAAC/DHCPv6 IPv6 Configuration.

Symptom: SISF main thread or SISF Switcher Th process causing high CPU. In this lab, configure a Cisco router to act as a DHCP server for clients on two separate subnets and the IP helper address feature to forward DHCP requests from a remote subnet. End of Feed. IPv6 | … Nothing here yet? Here are the steps: Exclude IP addresses from being assigned by DHCP by using the ip dhcp excluded-address FIRST_IP LAST_IP; Create a new DHCP pool with the ip dhcp pool NAME command. IPv6 is the new version of the most important Network Layer Protocol IP. Share. This database, or binding table, is used by various IPv6 FHS features to validate the link-layer address (LLA), the IPv6 address, and the prefix binding of the neighbors to prevent spoofing and redirect attacks. Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol for IPv6 … The following example shows the DHCPv6 relay feature enabled on the interface outside: A Cisco router can be configured as a DHCP server.

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