EDIT1: Even though I have seen CORS mentioned in the firebase cloud functions docs (or Stackoverflow), this is always referring to calling these functions via HTTP. Data in a multi-region location is replicated in multiple regions. Cloud Functions for Firebase Sample Library. Hey, i've just started out with firebase functions and i'm not sure if this is a bug, something thats documented to be misunderstood or maybe i'm just doing something wrong :) But i thought it would be good to bring it up here. It says that you need to call the function with the same region but no example code is shown. A multi-region location is a general geographical area, such as the United States. A function can be called directly from the app, when a function is written as HTTP callable function (using trigger functions.https.onCall, and using Firebase client SDK) NOTE : To improve performance (e.g.

I built few cloud functions like this one: const addRoom = functions.https.onCall((data, context) => { It works perfectly but I wanted to change region to europe-west. NOTE: Cloud Functions for Firebase client SDK comes with certain convinience such as Firebase Authentication integration. NOTE: Note data input and output need to wrapped around data if using Cloud Functions for Firebase client SDK.Refer to Create Compatible Cloud Functions for Firebase With Python (Callable from Cloud Functions for Firebase client SDK).. reduce network latency), callable function and calling client (server app) should reside in the same or close location (or, region) Cloud Functions is a hosted, private, and scalable Node.js environment where you can run JavaScript code. This repository contains a collection of samples showcasing some typical uses of Cloud Functions for Firebase. If you defined a region on the backend (for example europe-west1) you need to define the same region when calling that function with: firebaseApp.functions('europe-west1').httpsCallable('yourFunction') This should definitely be in the docu. EDIT2: Formatting of the of the code block Within a region, data is replicated across zones. Multi-region locations. Never the ones called directly (onCall).

What's Cloud Functions for Firebase? Select a multi-region location to maximize the availability and durability of …

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