Gram Lights 57CR CAST WHEELS Authentic 5 Spoke Sports Model. Description Additional information The latest 5 spoke model “57CR” is generated from the original model gramLIGHTS “57C”. Size settings carefully selected for use in sports scenes including racing and drifting competitions. Description: Gram Lights introduces the new 5 spoke model : 57CR!

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Join our Rewards Program & save! SKU: GL57CR Categories: Gram Lights, Wheels Tags: 57CR, gramlights, rays. Size settings carefully selected for use in sports scenes including racing and drifting competitions.

At Evasive Motorsports, we offer several aftermarket car wheel components. show: rays gram lights 57 transcend dark bronze *limited edition* rays gram lights 57 transcend gloss black *limited edition* rays gram lights 57 transcend-x. Carefully selected sizes are adopted for the sports scene including drift competition. RAYS - Gramlights - 57CR quantity.

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you are here: home » brand » rays » rays gram lights. Gram Lights 57CR 18x9.5 +38 5x100 Glossy Black The new 57CR model was taken from the roots of the original 5 spoke 57C.
Size settings carefully selected for use in sports scenes including racing and drifting competitions.

The spoke rises from the rim well through to the center section to provide the ultimate concave design while maintaining rigidity and strength as the number one priority. Optimal size settings for usage in every driving condition, from daily driving to the harshest professional racing series. The new 57CR model was taken from the roots of the original 5 spoke 57C.

rays gram lights. The RAYS Gram Lights 57CR model was taken from the roots of the original 5 spoke 57C. Lights Exterior Aero body kits, wings, canards, spoilers and other exterior parts will customise the look of your Japanese vehicle and can also improve performance on the track.

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