Reduce file size of GIF images, just select the GIF image file and click the upload button. You can do this also on the image processing page. or … You can compress multiple files at once and upload GIFs … Compress multiple files at once and upload GIFs up to 50MB in size. Compress your animated GIFs to optimal size without losing quality in seconds. Upload from computer. Upload your file and transform it. Use this Photoshop JSX-Script Use the script to send an image from Photoshop to compress-or-die. Reduce the filesize of many GIF images at once online. Compress GIF. If you do notice a change in image quality, try toggling the number of colors in compressed file format.

Paste image data Paste an image from your clipboard into this website. Select images. Paste a Base64 Data URI from your clipboard into this website. Compress GIF Image Files Compress animated GIF files online for free. Then give our free GIF compressor a try.

Compressing a GIF image will not usually reduce image quality.

In just two simple steps it will take care of lossy GIF optimization for you. Use our compressor tool to change the size of your GIF image in few clicks.
You can do this also on the image processing page. If you do notice a change in image quality, try toggling the number of colors in compressed file format. This free online tool is all you need for compressing GIF animations. Compress GIF with the best quality and compression.

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