ASP.NET 4.5 - This option enables ASP.NET 4.5 to run on IIS 8.0. Il sito contiene zone pubbliche e zone riservate. The element configures settings for Internet Information Services (IIS) 7 that redirect client requests to a new location. When making an HTTPS connection to a web server running IIS on Windows 10, HTTP/2 is used if the client and server both support it. For hosting a website on IIS, follow these steps: IIS Installation; Enable ASP.NET features on IIS; Install .NET framework ; Hosting a Site; Database connectivity; Conclusion; Step 1: IIS Installation. IIS is a protocol server which is used to host a website on server. There are several reasons why you might want to redirect clients to a new location. When you do so, an additional dialog box will popup as shown below: Since ASP.NET 3.5 is integrated into the Windows Server 2012 setup, Windows Server 2012 knows all of the related dependencies necessary to enable ASP.NET 3.5 on IIS 8.0. Ask Google if you really don't know how to. (一財)いばらき中小企業グローバル推進機構/(公財)茨城県中小企業振興公社 〒310-0801 茨城県水戸市桜川2-2-35 (茨城県産業会館9f) 電話:029(224)5317 fax:029(227)2586 Pour arrêter tous les services liés à IIS, tapez NET STOP IISADMIN /Y à une invite de commande. Il sito utilizza Cookie Tecnici e prevede il tracciamento delle connessioni. Your rule already uses a condition, so how did you add it?

(一財)いばらき中小企業グローバル推進機構/(公財)茨城県中小企業振興公社 〒310-0801 茨城県水戸市桜川2-2-35 (茨城県産業会館9f) 電話:029(224)5317 fax:029(227)2586 First click the ASP.NET 3.5 check box. Certain HTTP/1.1 optimizations (domain sharding, inlining, etc.) Configuration Reference 09/26/2016; 2 minutes to read; In this article IIS Configuration Reference. Internet Information Services (IIS) 7 and later use an XML-based configuration system for storing IIS settings which replaces the metabase that was used in IIS 6.0 and earlier. HTTP Redirects 09/26/2016; 9 minutes to read +1; In this article. IIS.NET Site Feedback Provide IIS.NET Webmasters feedback about your experience while visiting IIS.NET: Re: Profile click by RuskinF Oct 09, 2019 11:44 AM News & Information For all the latest news relating to IIS, let it be here: PHP Manager for IIS 2.0 is coming by lextm Aug 02, 2018 08:04 PM IIS Feature Feedback

Cette commande arrête le Service IIS Admin et tous les services dépendants. In IIS, we've implemented HTTP/2 as transparently as possible - you shouldn't need to change anything in your application for HTTP/2 to work.

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