Extend JQuery Validator Plugin with custom method . Thanks Richard , worked with me with highlight/unhighlight method , but only one thing is need modification in ur code , instead of element.css('background', '#ffdddd');

However, you may want to add your own convenient validations. Often, that validation rule may need to be shared or re-used.

However, it does not matter if the JSON I get is:{"success":true} or:{"success":false} The field password never validates.

Limited access with a free account allows you to: View three pieces of content (articles, solutions, posts, and videos) The jQuery Form validation library comes with a large set of built-in validations. [21] errorPlacement 类型:Callback 默认:紧跟在无效表单后的标签中 说明: 用户自定义错误标签的显示位置。第一个参数:一个作为jQuery对象的错误标签,第二个参数为:一个作为jQuery对象的未通过验证 … Please file plugin bugs with the appropriate author on their bug tracker. Thanks for using Experts Exchange. jquery validation errorplacement specific element (2) .

errorPlacement isn't underneath messages (as an option), it's a global option, so instead it should look like this:
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validate - jquery-how to use errorPlacement for a specific element?

I added a custom validation method to validate a password. Test your JavaScript, CSS, HTML or CoffeeScript online with JSFiddle code editor.

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