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NIEUW € 129,95 ) Maat kiezen. Questo casco per bicicletta da corsa ottiene le prestazioni descritte più sopra mantenendo il giusto numero di aperture di ventilazione, senza diventare pesante o ingombrante.

Description. Nachteilen und Preisvergleich. In de winkelwagen Verdere artikelen van MET Meer Racehelmen. Season : 2020. Code : 27635BLKandRED. Vragen over het artikel? BIKEONNETのMET 2020 リヴァーレ HES ヘルメット:met2020rivaleならYahoo!ショッピング!ランキングや口コミも豊富なネット通販。更にお得なPayPay残高も!スマホアプリも充実で毎日どこからでも気になる商品をその場でお求めいただけます。 ! MET Rivale Helmet 2020 MET Rivale ha una forma estremamente compatta e aerodinamica, pur presentando un numero di feritoie che lo posizionano tra i caschi aero più ventilati. Onthouden. Experteneinschätzung 2020: Bewertung mit Fotos, Vor- bzw. 自転車乗るならY's Road 大阪ウェア館にもお越しください!関西最大級の売り場面積100坪に 一流のスポーツバイクウェアがぎっしり。 メンズのみならず最先端のレディースウェアも勢ぞろい!! llll Aktueller MET Rivale Fahrradhelm Test bzw. With a NACA crown duct we harnessed the power of the Venturi effect, another Italian engineering marvel, to ensure the most efficient airflow through the helmet.

The MET Rivale Road Helmet is the lightest aero road helmet in its class. MET Rivale: compatto e leggero. Have you found the Met Rivale 2020 Road Helmet - Black/Red Cheaper? Ask us to Price Match it now. MET Racefietshelm Rivale 2020 zwart - geel Artikelnr. Il suo peso, difatti, nonostante la grande robustezza e resistenza e l'efficace imbottitura interna, è … Jetzt informieren! MET claims the Rivale will save 3W at 50kph, equating to a second’s advantage over comparable vented helmets at the same pace – not a huge amount, but free time is free time. MET Rivale Helmet 2020 The MET Rivale keeps things as compact as possible, without cutting down drastically on the number of vents. Perfect for those who love spending their holiday on the sea and those who enjoy unforgettable day cruises, the 56’ Rivale is unrivalled, gliding triumphantly through the shipyard's 175-year-old history.
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