Graphical characteristics: Symmetric, Open shape, Monochrome, Contains straight lines, Has no crossing lines. Edit this symbol. This is the British English definition of no less than.View American English definition of no less than.. Change your default dictionary to American English. Equal, Greater or Less Than. Definition and synonyms of no less than from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education.. Category: Mathematical Symbols. example: 2+2 = 4 ≠ When two values are definitely not equal we use the "not equal to" sign. When you compare nonnull expressions, the result is TRUE if the left operand does not have a value lower than the right operand; otherwise, the result is FALSE. 4,983 Views.
Un oubli important ?

Therefore, for the "meaning" to be exactly conveyed, I ought to choose "not less than" over "no less than". "No less than" is the same as "greater than or equal": write the greater-than sign, with a line (similar to an underline) underneath. Value on the left of the . 0. With those exceptions, they So here's my list of answers: 1.
No less than 300 people showed up for the concert. High quality example sentences with “no less than that” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in English APPLIES TO: SQL Server Azure SQL Database Azure Synapse Analytics (SQL DW) Parallel Data Warehouse Compares two expressions (a comparison operator). So, in this technical document, I want to express the idea (or, I need to translate the idea) of "equal to or greater than". no less than [sth], not less than [sth] expr expression: Prepositional phrase, adverbial phrase, or other phrase or expression--for example, "behind the times," "on your own." As well as the familiar equals sign (=) it is also very useful to show if something is not equal to (≠) greater than (>) or less than (<) These are the important signs to know: = When two values are equal we use the "equals" sign. Equal, Greater or Less Than. Example:-3 . Learn more. The other exception is the colloquial phrase "no less than". !< (Not Less Than) (Transact-SQL) 03/13/2017; 2 minutes to read; In this article.

read more » 10. i cannot see the difference. is less than the value on the right. no less than meaning: 1. used to show your surprise at a large number: 2. used to show your surprise at a large number: .

2. 2. Here is an english grammar question: John is no less hardworking than his sister, but he failed the exam last month. example: 2+2 = 4 ≠ When two values are definitely not equal we use the "not equal to" sign. Unless you're writing in an extremely format style, it's always "no less than" -- only use "no fewer than" if you want to sound like a stuffed shirt. As well as the familiar equals sign (=) it is also very useful to show if something is not equal to (≠) greater than (>) or less than (<) These are the important signs to know: = When two values are equal we use the "equals" sign.

The problem is, I have heard about it before, that "no less than" means "exactly" a quantity. in the sentence above, NO less hardworking than means as hardworking as , can I replace it with NOT less hardworking than? 4. More symbols in Mathematical Symbols: This is a list of symbols found within all branches of mathematics. 3. Synonyms for no less than include to such an extent, as, equally, so, to the same degree, the same as, in the same manner with, identical to, functioning as and in … Note: Although, strictly speaking, less should only be used with uncountable nouns, it is not unusual for native speakers to use it with countable nouns in casual conversation.

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