In South Korea, a case was revealed that could be considered one of the most violent and terrifying. Asecond controversy of violence against women again surprised citizens and fans of K-pop. Culprit Behind 2nd “Nth Room” Sex Abuse Case Revealed to Be a 12-Year-Old Boy in Elementary School. Recently on February 17, a Korean broadcasting company called SBS examined on the "Nth Room" and aired their findings through an investigative journalism program called “Curious Stories Y” (궁금한 이야기 Y). The "Nth Room" case (Korean: n번방 사건; Hanja: n番房 事件) is a criminal case, involving blackmailing and the spread of sexually exploitative videos via the Telegram app, between 2018 and 2020 in South Korea.

The K-pop community is scared of what is going on in South Korea.

The Nth Room case is forcing Korea to reexamine how it defines sex crimes and the legal measures to prevent them. At least 74 victims are known to have been exploited in the so-called Nth room case, in which a man surnamed Cho allegedly lured victims into taking naked photos and later threatened and exploited them into more gruesome sex acts. A criminal threatened the broadcasting company that if they don’t stop airing the program, they are going to force a woman who is a “slave” at the "Nth Room" to kill herself. This has been going on since 2019. 124 people from South Korea were arrested on 23 March 2020 for allegedly being involved in a group chat on Telegram, where videos of women and underaged girls blackmailed into performing grotesque sexual acts were shared. Apr 07, 2020. by. NTH Room: everything you need to know about the South Korea’s New Scandal. Please check out the video to see more about the Nth Room case. [DEBRIEFING] ‘Nth room’: A digital prison of sexual slavery In Debriefings, the Korea JoongAng Daily discusses a topical issue in-depth in a Q&A format. According to The Korea Times, the primary suspect of the operation has […]
Most of the culprits who sold and circulated pornographic material in a Discord channel have been revealed to be underage.

Style. A still-unknown man operating under the username God God (Korean: 갓갓) sold sexual exploitation videos on Telegram channels and groups. In this Debriefing, we look at a digital sex crime case that has shocked the nation.
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