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Tigrex Tassets b+ (Satiated/Physique Jewel 4) (Vitality Jewel 1) (Vitality Jewel 1) Tigrex Greaves a+ (Earplug Jewel 3) (Attack Jewel 1) Attack Charm II. Buy. When using an item, you have a chance to get the effect without actually consuming it. Weapons Required; Armor Required; 50,000z. This is still my favorite & I will always watch it. Rarity 9. physique jewel 2 throttle / vitality resistor / handicraft run 3 : handicraft / maintenance draw / medicine sheath / attack stonethrower / attack ... blaze jewel 4 satiated / attack guardian / expert all in all, nothing too crazyInteresting.. almost identical drops, didn't keep track though, but the jewel … 5,000z. Rarity . 11.3k. Decorations in Monster Hunter World (MHW) can be placed into Weapons and Armor to gain … A decoration that enhances the Free Meal and Constitution skills. Where to find Satiated/Physique Jewel 4. Satiated/Physique Jewel 4. Thus, if you want to get a row of Jewels, you can spend one 64 points Jewel, five 8 points Jewels and one 4 points Jewel, which will be 108 points total, the exact amount you need. What Satiated/Physique Jewel 4 is used for. x99. 07: Troupers: Horned Urchin - Friendship/Physique Jewel 4 (1786 - 2040) 08: Satiated/Physique Jewel 4 - Unavailable (2041 - 2295) 09: Unavailable - Unavailable (2296 - 2550) 10: Unavailable - Unavailable (2251 … Video. 2 years ago. Posted by 21 hours ago. View entire discussion (94 comments) More posts from the MonsterHunterWorld community. 07: Troupers: Horned Urchin - Friendship/Physique Jewel 4 (1786 - 2040) 08: Satiated/Physique Jewel 4 - Unavailable (2041 - 2295) 09: Unavailable - Unavailable (2296 - 2550) 10: Unavailable - Unavailable (2251 - 2774) 原贴地址

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