Continue to speaking task 3 I don’t really know the reason why. TASK 2 - SAMPLE 1 Do you like to try new kinds of food or eat the same kind of food all the time? I’ve already shown you two TOEFL Speaking Task 2 Templates. 50 Practice Speaking Topic 1 and 2 Questions (To Use with Your Tutor Or Language Exchange Partner) Here are some (sometimes strange) TOEFL speaking questions for type 1 and type 2 questions. TOEFL Independent Speaking Task 2 Questions. You have the TOEFL books. Integrated speaking tasks ask you to use one, or more, other language skills (ie.

This means the structure of your own response depends a lot on the content of the audio.

Learn more Magoosh is a play on the Old Persian word magush , one who is highly learned, wise and generous. The second speaking task is the first of the integrated tasks and will be based on a topic related to campus life. For these tasks, instead of discussing familiar topics, you’ll be speaking about reading passages and audio clips consisting of conversations and lectures..

TST Prep’s complete TOEFL tests are simply amazing. Need More Practice? For the remaining tasks, you’ll be asked to speak in response to a reading passage, a recorded lecture or conversation, or both. Magoosh TOEFL comes with a 7-day Money Back Guarantee. TOEFL Speaking Task 2- Integrated. The topic is campus related. As with all speaking tasks, your response should be intelligible, should demonstrate effective use of grammar and vocabulary, and should be well developed and coherent. This task is scored using the Independent Speaking Rubrics. New and updated TOEFL Speaking questions for 2020 Includes downloadable PDF of over 100 additional TOEFL Speaking topics .

You also need to use a good variety of verb forms. The reading passage for this prompt is found on page 18 of TOEFL Quick Prep Volume 3.The transcript for the audio conversation can be seen on page 3 of this same Quick Prep PDF. Introduction I prefer to eat the food I know most of the time. Go back to speaking task 1.

We’ll base this answer on an official TOEFL Speaking Task 2 prompt from ETS. By Kate Hardin on May 14, 2014, UPDATED ON October 13, 2019, in Planning for Speaking, Speaking. PRACTICE 2: Speaking integrated task 2 (4 samples) * Don't pay attention to the sample answers * Play the video, listen to the instructions, pause the video, click on SEE MORE to see the reading (1 New Hours for the Computer Lab), then play the video to listen to the conversaion and the question, then puase the video. Download additional TOEFL iBT Speaking Practice Sets. He has served as academic coordinator of the Intensive English Program at ASA College in midtown Manhattan and as the coordinator of the Corporate Sales Division for Shane Schools in Kansai, Japan. The use of verb tense is very important for the speaking test.

Preparation time: 30 seconds

A TOEFL Independent Speaking 2 question will generally ask you to choose between two options and explain your preference or state your opinion.

Finally, someone has created reliable and authentic TOEFL materials I can trust. Listen to two people discussing it, then you will be asked to restate what you have read and heard. TOEFL Integrated Speaking Task 2, 3, and 4: Integrated Speaking in Response to Other Materials. As of early 2019, his TST Prep Youtube channel has over 30,000 subscribers and his TOEFL Speaking Success courses on Udemy have enrolled over 25,000 students from more than 120 countries. Use details and examples to support your answer. Speaking Question – Task 2. One of the TOEFL Speaking Task 2 templates is based on an outline, while the other TOEFL Speaking Task 2 template is … Sometimes, however, questions may ask you to describe the advantages and/or disadvantages of … TOEFL integrated speaking task 3 (reading, listening, speaking–campus-related) contains a short 100 word reading passage. You have watched the TOEFL videos. First you will read a short passage, which frequently takes the form of an announcement or clip from a newsletter. New TOEFL Speaking Section: Integrated speaking task 2. Free TOEFL Independent Speaking Samples - Task 2. Look at an analysis of the verb tense in this speaking task.

Integrated Speaking. The TOEFL Speaking Task 2 prompt has two possible formats: the speaker may disagree with the reading, or they may agree.

For instance, the reading passage may contain an announcement about changes a cafeteria is making. This passage is very … I hope practicing with these will help you.

You will read a short text, usually a campus announcement. Body From the time I was young, I was always a bit fussy and finicky about eating. And now for the answer. TOEFL Speaking Questions – Further Practice.

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