Table Width and Height HTML Table Width. Solution 1 Use viewport height (vh) instead of percentages. Netscape 4's old and buggy implementation of CSS fails to render the CSS specified height. The solution is to revert mso-line-height-rule back to the default value at-least on any elements where it’s causing an issue. The width attribute specifies the width of a table or the width of a table cell. If you can accept that NN4 will not display the 100% height, the "proper" way to do it would be to set the table height using CSS. Kindly help & guide me, thanks for your time and anticipation, haansi-----<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="Test.aspx.cs" Inherits="Test" %> Height 100% does not work ? Learn Development at Frontend Masters.

Height: 100% does not work when nesting tables (Width: 100% works OK), meaning that the inner table is not utilizing the full height of the cell of the parent table it is located in. I cannot figure out why IE is not showing the 100% width I have set for the #stripes div and the #footer div. This works fine in other browsers but for some reason FireFox does not do this. Height: 100% does not work when nesting tables (Width: 100% works OK), meaning that the inner table is not utilizing the full height of the cell of the parent table it is located in. anchor in side div width and height 100% not working GridView Column width matching with HtmlTableCell width How to create onserverclick event already created in back-end HTML table and div in ASP.NET Author Chris Coyier . Word is not keeping the specific column widths that I tell it to use Microsoft Word 2010 and 2016 are extremely buggy when it comes to tables and column widths. This is correct. If the width attribute is not set, it will takes up the space of longest single word in each cell. When you put a height for an element inside the page to have 100% of the parent element it does not work? If you can accept that NN4 will not display the 100% height, the "proper" way to do it would be to set the table height using CSS. Give the following css a try. anchor in side div width and height 100% not working GridView Column width matching with HtmlTableCell width How to create onserverclick event already created in back-end HTML table … Alas, for a long time now, in both Office 2010 and Office 2013 - it simply does not work.

below is code of my page. I have also had this problem and I have found out that this is because when you put 100% it will take 100% of the height of the html document or 100 % of the body. If the editor control is set to 100%, then its 100% is the current with of the main table on this control. Autofit table columns used to be a useful feature to have. Table width in percentage (%) The width value 100% indicates a width for the table that is the … There is a CSS property for tables that, it seems to me, is well-supported, little known, and super useful.

I was using the W3 site as CSS reference.

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