Whether it’s identifying which messages resonate, determining successful campaigns, or spotting holes in your customer service, the data at your fingertips can turn seemingly random social interactions into strategy-changing insights. Google Analytics One account. Twitter analytics tells you where on the tweet and where on the network that someone clicked or engaged with your tweet. To maintain access to Tweet Activity Dashboard, please make sure: Your account has not violated any of our Twitter Rules and policies
There are a number of ways you can use the dashboard to drive your decision-making process:

Real-time data, Easy To Use Dashboard. Twitter Analytics, including the Tweet Activity Dashboard, is a free service available to all Twitter users who have an ads account and/or register at analytics.twitter.com. How to use Twitter analytics.

To get started, log in to analytics.twitter.com with your Twitter username and password to turn analytics on for your account.. To access your Tweet activity: On a desktop or laptop computer, visit analytics.twitter.com and click on Tweets. Sample code, used to create this application, is included as a sample and how-to. 1. From your Twitter home page, click the three dots icon under your avatar, then choose Analytics from the menu. ; In the Twitter app for iOS or Android, tap the analytics icon visible in your Tweets. In the Twitter Analytics dashboard. Twitter Analytics only reveals data about profiles you own (no competitive intelligence – DOH!)
Analytics for Twitter allows users to query Twitter directly in Microsoft® Office Excel 2010. Luckily, there is data available that can help in the planning process, providing valuable insight into your own account, your followers, and the Twitter community as a whole.

Track your Hashtag, Keyword, and Account on Twitter. If you tweet — whether as a company, brand, or individual — you can get full Twitter analytics on … This takes you directly to your Account Home dashboard, where you can track the account … Try Twitter Analytics here! How to access Twitter Analytics.

Fast Reports in less than 5 min. Twitter analytics and knowing how to use them can change your social media game.

Google Analytics lets you measure your advertising ROI as well as track your Flash, video, and social networking sites and applications. Quick insight with a free Twitter analytics report Union Metrics TweetReach snapshot reports are perfect for quick analytics on recent Twitter activity around a hashtag, keyword or account. Twitter Analytics is THE Twitter analytics tool, and one of the best things about getting data from the social network that produces it, is that you can be confident the data is accurate. Using Twitter analytics to drive business growth Twitter’s analytics helps you understand how the content you share on Twitter grows your business. Donald J. Trump's Twitter Profile Summary Source: Trackalytics; id Date Followers (change) Following (change) Tweets (change) Lists (change) Favourites (change) 1: May 8, 2020 Twitter analytics is open to everyone. Utilizing the free PowerPivot Excel Add-in users can perform their own analysis such as who are the top Tweeters, what #hashtags are they using and do they have a positive or negative tweet tone. Free snapshots include up to 100 Tweets and $20 full snapshots include up to … Twitter analytics provides a wealth of information that can help you create meaningful Tweets that will resonate with your target audience .

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