When the service has stopped, click “OK.” And that’s it.

The Windows Indexer is stopped for now. The SearchProtocolHost.exe is the process name for the Windows Search Indexer. other things were a lot faster. I saw outlook sometimes going up to 200 ms for the response times. Learn more By continuing to browse this site, you agree to this use. It helps keep a record of all files on the system to make the search process better. How to Enable or Disable Search Indexing in Windows Indexing the contents of your PC helps you get faster results when you're searching it for files and other things.

Thus, it pushes the process hard because of …

In Windows 10 Build 19592, which is likely to be part of 20H2 update, Microsoft says it has updated Windows Search indexer with improved logic to find better times to perform indexing of your files.

I do not know for sure how Outlook does its indexing. I assume it relies ontop of this service.

Click the “Stop” button to go ahead and stop the Windows Search service now. This site uses cookies for analytics, personalized content and ads. Windows Search is now disabled, a fact that Windows is happy to remind you about (and offer to fix) when you do perform searches. The cause behind the SearchProtocolHost.exe process causing high CPU usage is when the Indexer is unable to find certain files on the system. Indexing is the process of looking at files, email messages, and other content on your PC and cataloging their information, such as the words and metadata in them.


After various restarts some how Microsoft Windows Search Indexer it's not showing in Task Manager, so half of the problem it's gone, but the HDD Temperature it's …

But I am going to check this for the next time it occurs.

High CPU usage due to SearchProtocolHost.exe.

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