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Put down the doi/PMID and "EPub ahead of print", and don't sweat it. when the print version comes out. Provide as much information as is available and include the phrase “epub ahead of print” as part of the date field. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed Data extracted directly from and filtered to reduce the risk of homonymy. Walk-In Help Ground Floor Library, G16 (Kennesaw) First Floor Library, C125 (Marietta) Call Us 470-578-6325 (Kennesaw) 470-578-7471 (Marietta) Schedule an Appointment M et al: Arch Women's Health Organ 2010: Feb 19, Epub ahead of print, PMID 20169378; research similar to that in 1538 [...] and with similar results. If you take your CV (not ERAS, on paper) to interviews, you may want to update it with the actual volume/issue/page etc. Citations listed in PubMed as [epub ahead of print] may not be available at your library until the print version of the journal is published. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed Données extraites de et filtrées pour limiter les risques d'homonymie.

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