Thread: vs cold 4bet
cold 4bet Cosa c'è di meglio di un freeroll per sperimentare cold 4-bet out of position, floating e triple barrel in bluff senza dover pensare ai risvolti spr-poker-video-quiz Hero 3bets in position with AQ, then suddenly faces a 4bet A Cold-4Bet
(翻訳元記事) 10 More Essential Hold'em Strategy Moves: The Cold 4-Bet There are some big moves you need to make more money at the p Stratégie poker : Quinn Sivage discute du 'cold 4 bet', une arme puissante et sous-utilisée selon lui
In this episode, we talk about when to put in the cold 4-bet! POKER COACHING: has grown and now offers top-level coaching The crisis can then begin to manifest itself on the court in the form of cold shooting streaks and disjointed team chemistry to name a few Likewise