COLD 4BET WITH A2 €888 Main Event Feature Table Poker Review!
cold 4bet MP opens CO 3bet BTN 4bet ? or MP opens CO bet BB 4bet? wondering if my sizes are proper Cold 4-betting seems like a bad idea We block folding range from both players and when we get called or 5-bet we are in a bad spot Would be
10 handed 25 local casino game MP raises , hero 3bet to with kk, sb cold 4bet to 0, hero just flat calls sb is a tight spr-poker-video-quiz Hero 3bets in position with AQ, then suddenly faces a 4bet A Cold-4Bet
The What: Cold four-betting refers to four-betting without having already put money into the pot For example: The player under-the-gun raises, On this video, we will learn what a Cold 4Bet is, and how to use the Cold 4Bet Cold Call 3Bet ranges from my app to improve your game