N58 is 4G LTE module optimized specially for M2M and IoT
n58 slot Check if the Magcard reader slot has other reader or some bugger, if found, reject the device HW specification CPU 32-bit secure CPU Talkpod N58 A1 W3, W4 Frequency Range, GSM: 9001800MHz;, GSM: 8501900MHz; WCDMA: 9002100MHz, WCDMA: 8501900MHz SIM Card Slot, 1 x Standard SIM Speaker
Cow Share Double slot N58,000 1 slot N30,000 Half Slot N15,000 Talkpod N58 A1 W3, W4 Frequency Range, GSM: 9001800MHz;, GSM: 8501900MHz; WCDMA: 9002100MHz, WCDMA: 8501900MHz SIM Card Slot, 1 x Standard SIM Speaker
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