VMware vSphere Metro Storage Cluster (vMSC) is a specific configuration within the VMware Hardware Compatibility List (HCL). When SRDF/Metro is used in conjunction with VMware vSphere across multiple hosts, a VMware vSphere Metro Storage Cluster (vMSC) is formed. It is assumed that the vCenter Server managing the HA/DRS cluster can connect to the ESXi hosts at both sites. A VMware vSphere Metro Storage Cluster (vMSC) configuration is a VMware-certified solution that combines replication with array-based clustering. VMware Metro Storage Cluster (vMSC) allows vCenter to stretch across two data centers in geographically dispersed locations. The vSphere Metro Storage Cluster with vSphere 6.0 white paper has been released. The maximum supported latency for synchronous storage replication links is 5 milliseconds round-trip time. I worked on this paper together with my friend Lee Dilworth, it is an updated version of the paper we did in 2012. 10 milliseconds of latency for vMotion is supported only with VMware vSphere Enterprise Plus edition licenses, which include the Metro vMotion option. Metro vMotion wird bei der Installation der jeweiligen Lizenz aktiviert. The configuration is designed for disaster avoidance in environments where downtime cannot be tolerated, but should not be used as an organization's primary disaster recovery approach.” These configurations are commonly referred to as stretched storage clusters or metro storage clusters and are implemented in environments where disaster and downtime avoidance is a key requirement. The vSphere Management, vMotion, and virtual machine networks are connected using redundant a network between the two sites. VMs in a metro storage cluster can be live migrated between sites with vSphere vMotion and vSphere Storage vMotion. A VMware HA/DRS cluster is created across the two sites using ESXi 5.0 hosts and managed by vCenter Server 5.0. Metro vMotion. I looked at every single section and added in new statements and guidance around vSphere HA Restart Priority for instance. So for those running a vSphere Metro Storage Cluster / Stretched Cluster of some kind, please read the brand new vSphere Metro Storage Cluster Recommended Practices (6.5 update) white paper. The following CPU and networking requirements apply to FT. CPUs that are used in host machines for fault tolerant VMs must be compatible with vSphere vMotion. VMware Metro Storage Cluster. Active-Active with VMSC(vSphere metro storage cluster) Sreec Sep 30, 2016 9:52 AM IHAC who is currently using Active-Active with VMSC(vSphere metro storage cluster) and they are leveraging OTV for connecting these two sites.I'm designing NSX for this set-up and idea is to avoid OTV and stick with software based overlay. Before using vSphere Fault Tolerance (FT), consider the high-level requirements, limits, and licensing that apply to this feature. These solutions are typically deployed in environments where the distance between data centers is limited―often metropolitan or campus environments. The architecture is built on the idea of extending what is … VMware vSphere vMotion is a zero downtime live migration of workloads from one server to another. The maximum supported round trip time latency between the two hosts is now 10ms. vSphere 5.5 continues this trend by offering new enhancements to vMotion to support EMC VPLEX Metro, which enables shared data access across metro distances. Figure 2 compares VPLEX Metro vMotion performance results in vSphere 5.1 and vSphere 5.5 environments.

Metro vMotion is only available with vSphere Enterprise Plus license. Migration with vMotion occurs in three stages: When the migration with vMotion is requested, vCenter Server verifies that the existing virtual machine is in a stable state with its current host. Each vSphere release introduces new vMotion functionality, increased reliability and significant performance improvements. In normal circumstances, in vSphere 5.5 and below at least, vCenter would be deployed in Link-Mode so two vCenters can be managed as one. Requirements. The virtual machine state information (memory, registers, and network connections) is copied to the target host. The test scenario used an idle VM configured with 2 VCPUs and 2GB memory.

Einige Konfigurationen beinhalten Metro vMotion, eine Funktion, die verlässliche Migrationen zwischen Hosts ermöglicht, die durch eine hohe Round-Trip-Netzwerklatenzzeit voneinander getrennt sind.

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